Megalo Box is an anime television series created in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Manga Ashita No Joe. The producer of this show is studio TMS Entertainment and 3xCube. They are also known for producing the second Ashita No Joe anime in the year 1980. Hip-hop artist Mabanua has done the music composition.
The screenwriters are Katsuhiko Manabe well as Kensaku Kojima. Also, the head of the production is director Yō Moriyama. The show consists of 2 volumes. There are 13 total episodes in this. The series was launched in Japan on April 6, 2018, and ran till June 29, 2018. A second season named Megalo Box 2: Nomad would be launched on April 4, 2021. This will happen after 7 years of the arrival of the first season.
Highlights of Episode 4
After the opening theme, but before the proper beginning of the episode, a scene appears having an instrumental track. The image stays on the screen for few seconds, but it is worth giving a glimpse.
When JD gets knocked out and loses consciousness side-by-side, his eyes are getting blank. This incident is shown with a series of vertical lines drawn through Irises.
Further, more such scenes caught the attention of the audience throughout the episode. Along with this, the plot has received so much love. People love the storyline and the highlights together.
Reviews received
There were several comments on the episode regarding the plot and characters. People have totally loved the episode and the highlights. The show is trending Worldwide and has received ample fame and love. Some people appreciated the efforts put by the entire team to create this show and these episodes. The mind behind such a show is highly appreciable.
We hopefully wish for more such great episodes by Megalo Box. The reviews were really great and worth reading. Megalo Box has reached heights in just a less time, which is the best thing about the show. We highly appreciate all the efforts taken to create this show.