Gundam, ‘the giant’, is a robot that is approximately 18 meters tall, weighs about 25 tons and is inspired by ‘RX-78-2 Gundam’, a character from the anime series ‘Mobile suit gundam’, which it was released in Japan in 1979.
The robot, ‘native’ of Japan, is made of steel and a carbon resin. Unlike the character in the series , who was controlled by a human pilot inside the robot, Gundam is remote-controlled.
This giant will be part of Gundam Factory Yokohama, a tourist attraction that, in addition to offering the robot exhibition, will have restaurants and shops. On November 29, Gundam passed one of the mobility tests, which was recorded on video.
The robot was observed in front of a platform that exceeded its size. The ‘doors’ of the structure moved to allow the Gundam to advance. After a few seconds, and at a very slow speed, the mechanical giant raised one of his legs, flexed his knee and took ‘his first step’.
It is worth noting that the robot can also move its head, arms and has the ability to perform other maneuvers such as kneeling or pointing to the sky. The entire assembly and creation process of the robot has been documented on the Gundam Factory Yokohama YouTube channel.
In one of the videos, Jun Narita, head of design, assured that one of the biggest challenges was balancing the weight of the materials and the motors, since he had to comply with a weight limit for each part, for example, the hands of Gundam they could not exceed 200 kilograms. “That weight restriction is a curse,” he commented on the video.
Katsunobu Kato, cabinet secretary of the Japanese government, told a conference that he hopes that with Gundam improve tourism in the city of Yokohama, as this sector was affected by the new coronavirus crisis.
“I hope this leads to stimulating tourism demand and revitalizing local areas,” he said. In addition, he stressed the importance of taking the necessary measures to avoid contagion by covid-19.
“Of course now we have the issue of the coronavirus. I want people to take on ventures like this while making an effort to prevent the spread of the infection, ”Kato added. Gundam ‘activation’ was expected to occur in October, however due to the pandemic it was delayed.
Then it was announced that, from December 19, people will be able to buy their tickets to enjoy the giant robot show. The main organizer of the show is the Bandai Namco Group, a Japanese company specializing in the development of video games. However, there are about 15 companies associated with the project.
Under the name of ‘Gundam Global Challenge’, in 2014 the construction of the humanoid was announced. Now, six years later, tourists and fans of the anime series will be able to see it in person.