The sixth story of Japanese manga series Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is Stone Ocean. Hirohiko Araki is the writer, as well as the illustrator. This popular has series has been top-rated among fans because of the unique plot and storyline. It is full of adventure, action, supernatural drama, and tragedy. The series has completed it’s four successful seasons, and now it is all set to release the sixth season.
Release Date: “Jojo Part 6”
Fans are eagerly waiting for the sixth part of this Japanese series. Well, there is no confirmation regarding the release date of the sixth part. There is no confirmation, but there are expectations that it will release in the summer of 2021. The release dates of many shows have been affected because of the ongoing global pandemic. There are possibilities that it will change it too.
Let’s wait for the new updates.
Cast: “Jojo Part 6”
The new part of this series is going to have some new characters, but we are expecting to see the return of some old characters. The main protagonist of this show is Jolyne Cujo, and the main antagonist of the show is Enrico Pucci. Ermes Costello is a very close and good friend of Jolyne.
There is not going to be a more delay in the introduction of the new characters, but we have to stay updated for all the latest information.
Following is the list of characters from Jojo:
- Jolyne Cujoh
- Emporio Alnino
- Ermes Costello
- Gwess
- Narciso Anasui
- Jotaro Kujo and many more.
Plot: “Jojo Part 6”
The plot of the story revolves around the main protagonist named Jolyne Cujoh. She gets imprisoned because of the false accusations in the Green Dolphin Street Jail. Enrico Pucci, who is the main antagonist of the show, will plot against Jolyne and Jotaro, who is Jolyne’s father. Her father gives her an amulet so that she could save and protect herself from the imminent danger. She will try her best to unlock the sandstone, but she will face many difficulties and problems while doing so. The story takes a turn when Whitesnake uses its power to remove Jotaro’s memories. It will be interesting to watch how the story unfolds in the upcoming season.
The plot will follow the one which we saw in the previous seasons, but it will come with more twists and suspense.
Due to the big success among the anime audience, it will come back with the next season soon.
Storyline: “Jojo Part 6”
The sixth season will come up with the storyline, which will continue from where the last one ended. It will unfold around the main protagonist of the story Jolyne Cujoh who is behind bars at a very young age because of the false accusations. In the story, we see how her father warns her of all the dangers and gifts her some special powers to protect her from the threats she faces. Later, the antagonist of the story attacks her father and takes all the memory from him. This incident will ignite the sense of revenge in Jolyne’s heart.
The big question in the fan’s mind right now is whether Joylne will be able to save her father and bring everything back to normal or not. All these questions will be answered once the trailer and the release date is out.
Click to the link below to watch the trailer, which is not the official one.
Stay tuned for more updates.