WHO and WhatsApp have yet again collaborated to release the “Vaccines for All” stickers. The two organizations aim to get COVID-19 counselling services up to speed so that they could provide reliable information and facilities to over 2 billion people. It also aims at encouraging people to get vaccinated and protect themselves against the deadly virus. Last year, these global helplines have received over 3 billion calls.
The current state of the environment and the pandemic is reflected in the latest vaccine kit. The firm has increased its collaboration with public health agencies, stating that it has worked with more than 150 national, state, and local governments since the outbreak began.
When the pandemic struck previous year, there was a lot of misconception spreading about it on the internet, and technology companies were doing their hardest to provide consumers with reliable information online from trustworthy sources. The literal same thing happened when vaccine rolled out last year. The myths and false information about the vaccines spread like a fire scaring people to take the vaccines.
But now the vaccines are hugely being rolling out all over the globe and hence, the social media took the responsibility to encourage people to get vaccinated and spread positivity as well.
The “Vaccines for all Stickers” :
These stickers would definitely inspire people to get vaccinated without any fear. The cartoony images are the creative way which will enable people to express their joy, relief and belief about the vaccines and encourage each other to get vaccinated as their turn comes.
How to Get These Stickers:
WhatsApp have been supporting stickers from a long time. But adding stickers to the collection have been an intense task. You could only add stickers to your collection if your friend sent it to you on chat. But now this task have been made easier.
Now you can get the stickers easily within a tap. Go to the stickers button click “+” option and download the top positioned sticker i.e. “Vaccines for all” sticker.
In 2020 as well, WhatsApp brought the sticker pack “Together at Home” along with WHO. This sticker was made in view to help people communicate more and avoid going out to prevent the pandemic.