WhatsApp has been working on a new feature called Disappearing Mode for iOS users that focus on privacy—spotted by WABetaInfo. This online platform keeps track of changes on WhatsApp. This feature till now not available for the public but will be rolled out soon.
According to the website, when this feature will be enabled, users will send disappearing messages with new chats. This is because WhatsApp already offers support for enabling disappearing messages with a chat, but that is only after the chat has begun. When this feature is available, the user needs to go to WhatsApp Settings, Privacy, and then toggle on the Disappearing Mode function.
After the user read the message, this feature will enable chat history to be erased. This is one of the few WhatsApp takes on privacy. According to the company, “While the majority of users who have received the new terms of service have accepted them, we appreciate some people haven’t had the chance to do so yet. No accounts will be deleted on May 15 because of this update, and no one will lose the functionality of WhatsApp either. We will follow up with reminders to people over the next several weeks.”
Starting from May 15, access to some WhatsApp feature users will lose eventually until they accept the new terms. These users will 1st lose the ability to access the chat list. Then video and audio will stop working, and the users will not receive notifications for new messages on WhatsApp. Disappearing Mode will be available in a future update for iOS and Android users, but it is not clear when it is going live.
Under app Settings > Privacy, the upcoming Disappearing Mode will be added. At this point, the Disappearing Message functionality offers support vanishing the message after seven days. As per reports on WhatsApp working on support for 24 hours as support for the Disappearing Message window. WABetaInfo spotted this last month, who claimed that this feature would be rolled out Android, iOS, and Web/Desktop through a future update.