Georgia: The Employees of the Environmental Supervision Department of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture revealed 3 facts about illegal fishing in the Kakheti region of Georgia.
This was done in the framework of the fight against poaching. Poachers often used illegal fishing tools such as fishing nets, electric shock devices, fishing nets, and others. The materials were sent to the relevant authorities for further response.
It should be noted that near the village of Bakurtsikhi in Gurjaani Municipality, on the Alazan River citizens were fishing illegally from inflatable boats using electric fishing weapons. Lawbreakers had illegally obtained 18 kg of fish of the type of Khramuli.
Prohibited fishing means – using an electric weapon, a citizen was fishing near the village of Giorgeti of Lagodekhi municipality, on the Kabal River. The offender had illegally obtained up to half a kilogram of Ghorjo fish.
Near the village of Akuri in Telavi municipality, and on the river Alazan, a citizen illegally obtained 5 kg of fish of the type of fish with the use of explosives.
Accordingly, the police started an investigation into the mentioned fact under the relevant article of the Criminal Code of Georgia—in addition to illegal fishing, also with the article of violence.
It is to be added that the Department of Environmental Supervision crews carry out continuous 24-hour patrolling throughout the country to prevent and detect illegal forestry, poaching, fishing, and other environmental violations promptly. In addition, immediate response is given to each message received on the hotline (153) of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture.
Illegal fishing is a serious problem that threatens the biodiversity and sustainability of the aquatic resources in Georgia. The department urges citizens of the country to consider that fishing is prohibited with means such as electrodes, electric shock devices, self-made electronic tools, firearms, netting, etc.