Georgia: The Minister of Defense of Georgia, Juansher Burchuladze, got instructed on the ongoing command-staff exercise “Gelati 2022” at the Orpholo training ground. The field component demonstration was attended by the Deputy Minister of Defense, Brigadier General Johnny Tatunashvili, and the Western Commander Brigadier General, Koba Grigolia, along with the Minister of Defense.
The tactical group of the 32nd Infantry Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Brigade successfully carried out a defensive operation. The unit was supported by anti-aircraft, artillery, engineering, mechanized, tank, and anti-tank units.
Mi-24 and Iroquois (UH1) helicopters belonging to the Defense Forces also took part in the exercise. The purpose of the training is to improve the management and control procedures in the planning and execution process during defence operations by the brigade headquarters.
Command and Staff Exercise “Gelati 2022” using the Field Component (CPX / CAX / LIVEX) is commissioned by the Commander of the Georgian Defense Forces and organized by the General Staff, the Western Command and the NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Assessment Center (JTEC). Participates in the exercises: Western Command, Exercise and Military Education Command, Aviation and Air Defense Command, 10th Cadre Brigade of the National Guard, Logistics Support Command of the Troops, Special Operations Forces Battalion, Subdivisions of the Military Police Battalion and the Department of Special Tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Facility Protection, the State Border Guard and the Coast Guard Department.
NATO Collective Training and Exercise Guidelines are used in all phases of the training.
Tactical level training with the support of Theoretical and Computer Systems (CAX) in Senaki, 2nd Infantry Brigade, and the deployment of forces will end on May 20 at the Orpholo training ground.