Dusheti: On Monday, September 23 a career fest was successfully organized at the Dusheti youth center. The youth center’s young member attended session to discuss career options with employees of various companies.
Several members of Dustethi Youth Club were present during the fest at Ilia Zakaidze house of culture of youth centre. Young members interacted with representatives of several companies. The employees guided attendees on various career opportunities that match their educational qualifications.
Some of the prominent companies that send their representative on this occasion also include following:
- Marco Polo
- Crystal
- KFC – American fast food restaurant chain
- Magnet Magniti
- State Agency for Promotion of Employment
- College named after Ilya Tsinamdvrisvili State University
- Lider Food Liderfood
- European Union Monitoring Mission EUMM
- State Youth Agency
- Nikora trade Nikora
- Global Beer Georgia
It is to be added that the second part of the meeting was dedicated to the career consultant of Dusheti Youth Center Tamar Kipshidze. The importance of a CV/resume and other tips for success in written interviews were discussed with participating youth.
Writing a CV or resume is not like writing a simple paper containing personal data or information about educational courses. It requires special skills. The presentation of content in a CV should be convincing.
The representatives of the companies shared their views with students on the importance of interview preparation. According to them without good interview performance many job seekers fail to get the job of their choice.
During interaction with company officials the young members learned about the different positions they could join according to their qualification. The youth center members also expressed their gratitude to the event organizers and company representatives for providing them with the required information.
They requested the organizer to hold such an event in future years so that the maximum number of youth can benefit from it. Notbay anybody who is interested in career counseling or issues related to employment can register at Dusheti Youth Centre.