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Georgia: Authorities books one for animal death

Georgian prosecutor's office charged one person for cruelty and violence to an animal. The violent act of the accused person led to the death of the animal.

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Georgian prosecutor’s office charged one person for cruelty and violence to an animal. The violent act of the accused person led to the death of the animal.

Before charging this person for the cruel act, an investigation was carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The preliminary study established that on November 29, in the city of Tbilisi, the defendant/accused abused his father’s Rottweiler dog and then threw it from the balcony of the 8th floor of the residential building. Due to throwing from height dog died as a result of the defendant’s actions.


After the investigation, Law enforcement arrested the accused on November 30, 2023. As per the information accused was charged under Article 259, Part 3 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (Cruel treatment of animals and other violence that caused their death). The offence under these articles provides for one to four years of imprisonment.

Animal cruelty is seen as the worst kind of violence. Animal cruelty includes any intentional act which leads to violence or any abuse of the animals. The animal cruelty laws apply to all, be it domestic animals or wild animals.

Many organisation at the regional and international level has come into existence to prevent animal creulty. At the same time, many regional and international organisations are also raising the issue of animal cruelty.

It is worth mentioning that one prominent agency called PETA (People for ethical treatment to animal )is actively working against animal cruelty. The PETA and its allied organisations frequently organise seminars and campaigns against animal cruelty. They also encourage peole to switch to a vegetarian diet.

There are some suggested ways to prevent animal cruelty and violence against animals.Be a responsible pet owner and always take care of your domesticated animal. Intervene immediately if you witness animal cruelty.
Report animal cruelty to enforcement authorities.
Teach children to respect animals with proper care.
Demand stricter laws for animal protection at regional and international levels.

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