The Caucasus University has successfully hosted second session on women cyber empowerment. The session was held under theme “empowering women in cybersecurity through EU experience” by university in coordination of the scientific cyber security association of country.
The second session was held under framework of the Jean Monnet Module. The large number of women attended this significant session and heard from experts. The glimpses of this event were shared on social media pages by university administration. The official Facebook page while underlining the significance of event added that, “Today we have successfully hosted second session on women empowerment in field of cyber space”.
It is worth to note that besides others the real objective behind this project is to making women aware of their rights in digital age on cyber world. It also aimed to help them for taking extra measures for protecting their privacy.
The key speaker of the event on this occasion while sharing their thoughts said that we need to implement best practices of European standard that can help us to improve women safety measures.
According to organisers the issues of women education in field of information technology was discussed by all of us in details. The women’s knowledge in field of cybersecurity and data protection were other topics touched upon by the key speaker of event.
It is worth to note that the another aim of the session was to encourage communication between academia and society. The entry for all was free in this event to acquire knowledge about current topic of women safety in digital age. Notably the WISEC academy is also spreading many European practices in Georgia which will play important role in future.
The project for women to get information about the cyber security is also an important project and will make cyber space safer for women in all over the country. The attendee at end of session termed this session as very successfully and productive.