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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Georgia and Italy Strengthen Cooperation in Agriculture 

The Minister of Environment and Agriculture Otar Shamugia of Georgia recently met with Ambassador Massimiliano D'Antuono, the Emergency and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy in Georgia.

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Georgia: The Minister of Environment and Agriculture Otar Shamugia of Georgia recently met with Ambassador Massimiliano D’Antuono, the Emergency and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy in Georgia.

The meeting aimed to foster deeper collaboration between the two nations in agriculture and environmental protection, as well as to enhance trade relations and support Georgia’s Eurointegration aspirations.


During the introductory discussions, both parties emphasized the importance of advancing future cooperation in key areas such as agriculture and environmental conservation. Minister Shamugia congratulated Ambassador D’Antuono on his appointment and expressed optimism about the potential for strengthening bilateral ties between Georgia and Italy.

Minister Otar Shamugia underscored Georgia’s readiness to deepen partnerships, particularly as the country progresses towards EU membership. Minister Shamugia stressed the significance of Italy’s support in implementing European Commission recommendations and reforms, particularly in enhancing production quality, establishing food safety standards, and reforming various agricultural sectors.

In response, Ambassador D’Antuono positively assessed the existing cooperation between Georgia and Italy across multiple domains. He emphasized the importance of deepening these relations and affirmed Italy’s commitment to supporting Georgia in fulfilling its obligations on the path to European integration. Additionally, Ambassador D’Antuono reiterated Italy’s dedication to bolstering trade and economic ties with Georgia and enhancing its capabilities in various sectors.

The meeting also saw the participation of First Deputy Minister of Environment and Agriculture Nino Tandilashvili and Deputy Ambassador of Emergency and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy Fabiola Albane. Their presence underscored the mutual commitment of both countries to furthering cooperation and strengthening bilateral relations.

As both Georgia and Italy continue to explore opportunities for collaboration, particularly in agriculture and environmental protection, the meeting served as a testament to the shared commitment of the two nations toward fostering mutual growth and development. 

With Italy’s support, Georgia aims to enhance its competitiveness and export potential in European markets, thereby contributing to the overall prosperity and sustainability of both countries.

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