Georgia: Taking into account the challenges identified in practice, the Ministry has developed draft laws on “Amending the Code of Administrative Offenses” and “Amending the Law of Georgia on Traffic” that will contribute to improving the quality of road traffic safety.
According to the draft law, the following changes are defined in the Code of Administrative Offenses:
Punishable is the so-called Drifting, which refers to the intentional sliding/sliding of the vehicle and/or the implementation of circular rotation by sliding. A fine of 300 GEL and a reduction of 30 points on the driver’s license is imposed as a sanction.
It is an aggravating circumstance if the so-called Drift comes with damage. This will result in a fine of 500 GEL and a reduction of 35 points on the driver’s license.
Driving a vehicle that has been deregistered as a result of the deregistration is punishable. For this, a fine of 2,000 GEL and 30 points of the driver’s license will be reduced.
The sanction for driving on the road with an oversized vehicle without an agreement with the relevant authority and/or with special equipment and colour specified by law, instead of 100 GEL, will be a fine of 1,000 GEL, and if the said offence resulted in damage, instead of 250 GEL, a fine of 2,000 GEL will be imposed.
Exceeding the set speed limit by a vehicle driver at a speed of more than 40 km/h will result in a fine of 300 GEL instead of 150 GEL.
Driving a vehicle with tinted windows in violation of the rules established by the legislation will result in a fine of 500 GEL instead of 50 GEL.
It is punishable to drive such a vehicle if the level of noise generated during its operation exceeds the established norms. As a sanction, a fine in the amount of 100 GEL and a reduction of 10 points on the driver’s license is prescribed. In the first stage, the legal framework will be adjusted, and noise measuring equipment will be purchased later.
In addition, a number of problems related to administrative proceedings will be eliminated; among them, the procedure for publishing the resolution adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the case of an administrative offence will be determined, which will reduce the cases of failure to hand over the resolution adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The amendment is also included in the Law of Georgia “On Road Traffic”. A reduction in the number of points assigned to the driver’s license is provided for a number of offences.
The draft laws prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs were sent to the Parliament of Georgia “On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Georgia” and “On Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Traffic”.