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Environmental and Agrarian Education in School Program trains 600 teachers

This year, more than 600 teachers were trained under the "Environmental and Agrarian Education in School" program. Training primary-level teachers and curriculum experts is actively continuing to integrate the program into the school space.

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Georgia: This year, more than 600 teachers were trained under the “Environmental and Agrarian Education in School” program. Training primary-level teachers and curriculum experts is actively continuing to integrate the program into the school space.

The Centre for Environmental Information and Education of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture has already trained more than 600 primary school teachers this year.


During World Environment Day Week, Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the Environmental Information and Education Center, met with trained teachers and handed them certificates and helpful manuals on “Environmental and Agrarian Education in School.” We invite all stakeholders to visit our training sessions and see the impact of the program firsthand. Your support and contributions are crucial to the success of this initiative.

The ‘Environmental and Agrarian Education in School’ Program plays a crucial role in educating environmental awareness and promoting environmental education, which is of great importance to the effective management of natural resources. By integrating these teachings at the primary level, we are creating a generation of students who are not only aware of their environmental responsibilities but also interested in environmental and agrarian topics.

The Environmental Information and Education Center prepared the auxiliary manual for teachers, “Environmental and Agrarian Education in School.” The textbook covers important issues of environmental and agrarian education that are easily adaptable for primary school students (Grades I-VI).

As part of the program, young people acquire basic knowledge on essential issues such as sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, water conservation, air pollution protection, climate change and natural hazard reduction, waste management, land management and wilderness combating, sustainable agriculture, food security, and quality.

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for protecting the environment.

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