Standing firm with the Ukrainian government amid their ongoing war tensions with Russia, the government of Georgia recently passed a resolution in the Parliament supporting Ukraine.
In total, 107 MP’s registered for voting, out of which only 74 supported the initiative taken by the ruling party of Georgia.
The adopted resolution expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian people by condemning any military intention aimed at the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Most sitting parliamentarians, including Giorgi Khelashvili, Maka Bochorishvili, Levan Karumidze, Givi Mikanadze and Tamar Taliashvili, proposed the draft in support of Ukraine amid conflict with Russia.
In the ongoing tensions, the parliament speaker of Georgia responded that Georgia will be in close touch with its Western allies, adding, “Indeed, we will surely respond by conversations.”
However, MP’s in opposition disagreed with the notion proposed by the government and refused to sign the draft, excluding European Socialists and Citizens party representatives.
Shalva Papuashvili, the speaker of the Georgian Parliament, has also come in support of Ukraine and their natives by stating that – “all efforts and measures should be focused on avoiding a war in Ukraine.”
On the other hand, Russia has deployed more than 100,000 military personnel on the border of Ukraine. Moreover, Russian President Vladimir Putin also remarked that the US is trying to trigger Russia into war with Ukraine.
Moreover, on December 17, 2021, the Russian Foreign Ministry presented two drafts for security assurances’ between Russia, the US, and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which include restrictions on Military Personnel, ships, and aircraft’s deployments for both North Atlantic Alliance and Russia, as well as limits on intermediate and short-range missile deployments.
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is a long going conflict that commenced in February 2014, mainly involving Russia and pro-Russian forces on the one hand and Ukraine on the other hand, supported by NATO and EU.
Many western Countries came in the support of Ukraine. The PM of UK Borris Johnson by standing alongside Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy stated that the Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a catastrophe in all ways by citing that it would end in political, on the grounds of humanitarian and military disaster.