Paweł Herczyński, the European Union’s ambassador to Georgia has called on Georgian citizens to must exercise their voting rights. He said that by voting for the candidate of their choice, they can ensure a better future for the country.
Georgia’s Parliamentary election is on October 26 this year. The ambassador of the European Union issued a statement today urging citizens to vote for the candidate of their choice as well.
It is to be added that the Ambassador while underlining the role of voting said that “every citizen of Georgia must come out of their houses to cast a vote in favour of favourite leader. People should elect good leaders who, in turn can help the country develop.
According to him “Georgian voters have to make the best choice. They should not come under any internal or external pressure. The election would develop the country and significantly change individuals’ lives.”
In addition he also said “Your vote matters not for your individual life but for the whole country. I hope you will have his opportunity to cast your valuable rights without any pressure. Your vote will decide the future of Georgia and everyone is expected to make this possible.”
He clarified that the European Union is not part of any process related to elections; however, the Union will support any party that comes to power and works for Georgia’s European Integration. Georgia have got status of EU’s candidate country recently.
Finally he Ambassador said that Georgians need to protect the basic rights of citizens to gain full membership in the European Union. To this end people should elect a government that will not allow Georgia to become a “one-party state” where political parties and dissent is banned. The ambassador also expressed hope that Georgia’s authorities responsible for conducting the elections will ensure a fair and transparent election.