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Ilia State University organizes selfless blood donation camp on April 8 

The Ilia State University (ISU) Student Affairs Department will organize in Iliauni A and T buildings a selfless blood donation day on April 8, 2024, Monday.

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Georgia: The Ilia State University(ISU) Student Affairs Department will organize in Iliauni A and T buildings a selfless blood donation day on April 8, 2024, Monday.

Within the campaign’s framework, the organizations “Natalia Kvantaliani Blood Central Bank” and “Life” mobile teams, made up of professional, experienced doctors, will offer people who want to donate blood unselfishly and show their support to those who need help.


Anyone from 18 to 65 years old can become a blood donor if:

• weight is – 50 kg and more;

• have not had viral hepatitis B and C;

• syphilis, tuberculosis;

• not infected with HIV infection;

• Do not have blood or oncological diseases;


• not a drug user;

• have not undergone surgical surgery, tetanus and measles vaccination in the last one year;

• haven’t had a tattoo in the last six months;

• have not come in contact with the blood of others;

• have not been pregnant for the last six months;

• On the donation day, the donor should be practically healthy – not have a fever, runny nose, or other influenza events.

Those who participate in the charity auction are provided free of charge with the results of the following research:

• group, rhesus, phenotype

• B and C hepatitis, syphilis, cytomegalic and AIDS virus

A person who intends to donate should know the following:

• Blood donation is an easy, safe and painless process;

• Only disposable material is used when donating blood, and the donor is protected from infection;

Blood donation is absolutely safe for health;

• Blood transfusion is recommended in the first half of the day;

• On the day of blood transfusion, having a light morning snack and drinking sweet tea is better. 

• Blood transfusion can be done after two months;

• Take an ID card with it.

Time: April 8, 11:00-16:00

Location: Central Bank named after Natalia Kvantaliani – Iliauni Building A. Student space, l. Chavchavadze Ave. N32

Blood bank “Life” – Iliauni T building, student space, Cholokashvili Ave. N3/5

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