Tbilisi: The executive secretary of the ruling party, Georgian Dream Mamuka Mdinaradze rejected the claim of opposition parties about “reconciliation of occupied region through recognition”.
He termed all these allegations of the opposition party as propaganda just to win the election by defaming the Georgian Dream.
It is worth noting that Mamuka Mdinaradze’s comments came as a reaction to the opposition’s allegation that the ruling party of Georgia wants to reintegrate the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali still occupied by Russian authorities.
He added “The allegation of the ruling party is totally unacceptable. Moreover, Georgian Dream has no such plan as alleged by opposition parties, who blame GD going to recognise Abkhazia and Tskhinvali as independent states for its integrations.”
At the same time the Executive Secretary of GD took to social media handles to slam opposition parties. In a specific social media post, he compared opposition parties to foreign agents who are working against the country’s interests.
In the same social media post he said it is a totally baseless allegation that the party is going to execute any “confederal arrangement” with the party to reintegrate this region as independent states.
According to him, this is all false propaganda to defame the ruling party which is being spared by opposition parties to get benefits in future elections of Parliament. This is visible on the part of the opposition that they are trying to influence the voters with such false narratives.
“Our party stands with Georgian values. We will never compromise our beloved country’s territorial integrity at any cost. As the party’s name suggests, we always dream of a United Georgia. This dream will certainly come true soon,” added Mamuka Mdinaradze.
Several opposition parties alleged that GD is holding a discussion to provide recognition to occupied territories as independent states. They also alleged that any such move would make the idea of a United Georgia futile.
The representative of the ruling party already said, that we want to remove the occupation only with peaceful measures. We will achieve this through peace, development, reconciliation and mutual forgiveness without falling into the trap of foreign powers.