The municipality administration of the Ozurgeti have provided the toys to the school children. These toys have been made with the environment friendly materials.
The representative of the municipality visited the school to provide these toys children personally. The Deputy Mayor of Ozurgeti Natia Goliadze along with Chairman of Sakrebulo’s Education, Culture, Sports, Youth Affairs, Health and Social Affairs Commission Ketevan Khomeriki were in the kindergartens of Daba Naruji and village Likhauri.
The toys included the musical instruments, play games as well as material that can be used for educational activities also. Children were very happy to receive the toys. They posed for photographs with their toys. They also tanked the visting delegation and expressed their happiness also. The members of the visiting delegation also spent some time with students and participated on activities with these children.
It also includes some big toys that can be only used for outdoor activities.
The chairman and other member of the delegation also said that this is the initiative of the local administration to provide the best facilities and services to children so that the learning process can be attractive and interesting for them.
The toys will also motivate the small children to attend the school and this will also reduce the absence rate among them. On the other hand the school management thanked the government representative on this occasion. As per the school management toys will make the experience of children interesting.
They also said that the government representative need to visit the nearest school regularly to take the stock of ground level situations. The chairman and other member of delegation asked the teacher to provide the information if they face any problem. They also assure that the government will try to make every effort for the welfare of students and teaching community as well.
Ozurgeti Municipality kindergartens were given diverse types of toys made of environmentally friendly materials. The social media users also expressed the happiness and thanked the officials for a visit.