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Georgia is a political stable country : PM Irakli Garibashvili

Irakli Garibashvili prime minister of the Georgia said that country was successful in maintaining stability in the country in the year 2023 despite the ups and downs of Geopolitics of region.

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Tbilisi:  Irakli Garibashvili prime minister of the Georgia said that country was successful in maintaining stability in the country in the year 2023. He also said that this achievement by the Georgian government had been gained despite the ups and downs of Geopolitics of region.

He stated that the government successfully maintained peace and stability in the “turbulent” 2023 geopolitical situation of the country.


Speaking on the success of his government he said that the Government took many measures and finally achieved success in maintaining “peace, stability and strong economic development” amid “extremely difficult, turbulent” geopolitical situations throughout the past year of 2023. He also thanked the people of the country for showing great interest in his government.

Garibashvili speaking further on the situation said during an ongoing annual Ambassadorial Conference in Georgia’s capital city of Tbilisi that the country’s economic development had started to bring “concrete, tangible results” as the country had “one of the fastest developing economies in the world”. He gave credit for these developments to his government.

While commenting on the occupied territories he added that the ongoing occupation of 20 per cent of Georgian territories by the Russian Federation remained the “main challenge” for his government as well as for the country.

Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, speaking, specifically stated that “of course, the high level of unemployment in Georgia and the level of poverty remain a challenge that needs immediate attention.

However, I would like to state that this year as a result of the strong economic development of the country the level of poverty and unemployment will definitely drop to a historic low and the country will achieve more success. Also the national reserves of the country have approached a historic high during the current year of 2023” PM added.

PM Irakli Garibashvili also said that the “national interests” of the country were the “main principle, guide and the constitution” of his office and added that “tangible outcomes” had been brought to the country with consistent effort and hard work of its citizens since the current authorities came to power with the priorities in 2012.


It is worth mentioning that there were many fluctuations during the current year including the fall of government led by a political party called Georgian Dream. This happened as the Georgian Dream party lost the Parliamentary majority due to several party leaders leaving the party and joining the Public movement called “ People’s Power.”

The issues of gay rights were a big challenge for the ruling government as thousands of protestors held rallies in Tbilisi against the Gay Parade.

There was also some opposition to the Prime Minister over the issue of candidate status to Georgia by the European Union. Many opposition political parties and organisations demanded the resignation of PM Irakli Garibashvili.They blamed him for failing to secure the candidate status for Georgia.

During these protests people demanded that the ruling government should resign and that there must be a technical interim government for the administration of affairs till further election.

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