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Georgia: April 7 is the Geologist’s Professional Day to raise awareness on climate issues

Every year, 7 April is marked as the professional day of geologists in Georgia. The country's First Geological work was published in 1843.

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Every year, 7 April is marked as the professional day of geologists in Georgia. The country’s First Geological work was published in 1843.

It is to be specifically mentioned that the Professional Day of Geologists in Georgia has been celebrated since 1965. Moreover, the first geological works in Georgia date back to 1841. At the same time field geological studies and the first works were published in 1843. The Geologist field has evolved ever since 1843, when the first work was recognised.


It is worth noting that in light of global climate change not just Georgia but the entire world is experiencing a growing trend of natural geological processes. Meanwhile the threats posed by climate change are a major challenge for the National Environment Agency of Georgia.

According to environmentalists and scientists strengthening the geology field is a priority for the country due to the given challenges.

Lately, modern equipment has been actively installed in thirsty areas to set up a network of monitoring systems in Georgia. Also across the country, hundreds of concrete plots, residential houses and infrastructure facilities damaged by geological hazards have been assessed. In addition, underground fresh drinking water monitoring and state geological maps have been updated according to the latest standard.

Notably the budget of National Agency for the Environment’s budget has increased this year including funds for geological research, the installation of monitoring systems in 15 large meadows across the country, and the purchase and installation of 2 automatic stations to expand the hydrogeological monitoring network.

Additionally, specific river valleys will be studied, and relevant recommendations will be prepared. Conversely, recruiting new personnel is an important challenge for geology. Along with strengthening technical capabilities, the agency continues to work actively in this direction.

Climate change and global warming have created huge problems at the international level. Many international organisations are working to spread mass awareness in this regard as well.

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