The Center for Environmental Information and Education announces an essay competition for students of classes VIII-XII. The essays must be written on the topic “history of climate.”
As per the terms and conditions of the competition, the essay should address the challenges and ways to solve the problem due to climate change. Contestants may write on (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Development of climate change
- Impact of climate change on Georgia
- Personal experience and the current situation in the municipality
- The importance and commitment of each citizen’s contribution to the climate change process
- Disasters caused by climate change in Georgia
- Consequences of climate change
Moreover the essay submitted within the competition must meet the following criteria:
- Uniqueness of the text—The essay must be supported by reasoning, argumentation, and examples. The author must be able to analyze the topic logically, evaluate it, and draw conclusions. It is preferable that the work be done in an artistic style rather than as an essay.
The participants can refer to different sources for information, but their individual views should appear, and it is also important to indicate the source of reference.
- The essay must have direct relevance to the topic, an adequate understanding of the topic and an original, in-depth understanding of the issue
- Structure of the text – organized, introduction, main part, concluding part.
- Compliance with the grammatical norms of the text.
- The volume of the text should be at least 300 words
- In case of violation of plagiarism norms, the essay will not be considered.
Other details related to the competition are as follows:
- On the cover page, the participant must indicate the name, surname, name of the school, age, and contact information (phone and e-mail).
- He will send the paper to The name “History of Climate” should be indicated in the title field.
It is to be noted that the last date to submit the papers is September 23. A specially created commission will evaluate the essays and select two winners. 1st prize which will be given to the winner included 600 GEL. Moreover the authors of the winning essay will have the opportunity to participate in the Youth Forum on the theme “Youth for Climate.”
The competition is being conducted by the Environmental Information and Education Center of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture within the framework of the project “Reducing the risk of disasters caused by climate change in Georgia” and aims to raise the awareness of students in the direction of climate change, existing challenges and ways to solve them.