Tbilisi: The employees of the Environmental Supervision Department of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, from February 1 to February 28, 2025, fined many polluting vehicles.
The department due to drive against pollution have identified 274 facts of inconsistency with the established norm for the emission of motor vehicles. Most of all, 159 violations were reported in Tbilisi, 46 in Batumi, 41 in Rustavi, 28 in Kutaisi.
It is worth to note that out of 274 violations, 222 were committed by individuals. As per the information in 52 cases, employees of the Department of Environmental Supervision fined legal entities.
It should be noted that 172 violations of pollution norms related to light cars, 90 – minibuses, 12 by truck drivers/owners. The employees of the department of environmental supervision, in the first two months of 2025, identified 685 violations of non-compliance with emission standards.
The direction of improving atmospheric air quality is a priority for the department. Accordingly, several targeted measures are being carried out. Visible emission control of moving vehicles is underway in 4 major cities of the country.
Moreover, at the same time, the department also regularly checks the quality of fuel at the autonomous fuel to minimize the consumption of non-conditional fuel, which in turn significantly reduces the release of harmful substances into the atmospheric air.
In addition, to prevent pollution from enterprises, the process of installing a continuous self-monitoring system for the release of harmful substances in the air is actively underway. 35 largest enterprises have already installed the system. Complex measures help to minimize atmospheric air quality pollution.
The glimpses of anti-pollution drive were also shared on social media handles by the ministry as well. The netzines while reacting to this anti-pollution drive have lauds employees.
The many local also appreciated this drive of ministry as well. As per them such drives are very important for ensuring clean and green environment as well.