The Special Investigation Services holds special awareness drive to keep people safe from cybercrime attacks. The service recently arrested a 32-year-old accused for sextortion.
The Special Investigation Services used to use social media platforms for special awareness drives. With the advancement of digital platforms, crime, especially sextortion has also jumped manifold.
A few days ago SIS on their social media handles added, “ The cybercriminal used to create fake social media accounts and pages. They sometimes create fake accounts with stolen data of another person.” Moreover they communicate with the victim after creating fake social media accounts. These cyber criminals make friendship with their victims and then misuse them.
According to the official of the Special Investigation Services of Georgia people should not share any information with others,. According to SIS people think that fulfilling illegal demands of the accused may protect them from further threats, but it is totally wrong. Moreover with such fulfilment of the demands of the accused they become more greedy and begin to demand high amounts of money as ransom as well.
The SIS has also advised people to take safety measures when accessing online platforms especially social media, which includes mainly Facebook and Instagram. The term sextortion means when someone uses real images of the victim and converts them into objectionable photos. Later on they contact the victim and ask him or her to pay a heavy amount.
Cybercriminals also used to threaten in case victim refused to fulfill their demands. They threaten to spread private images on social media handles as well as with relatives. The Special Investigation Service official used to hold awareness seminars in schools, colleges, and other institutes of higher education and training.
SIS advised people to approach them if they face any such threat from cyber criminals. The victim can contact the SIS on hotline number 199. At the same time they can submit a written statement or contact them through social media platforms.