The Italian government has decided to lift the outdoor face mask restriction from February 11 onwards. The scrapping of outdoor mask restriction was announced by the country’s deputy Health Minister, Andrea Costa, on Monday.
Andrea Costa said that Roberto Speranza, the Health Minister of Italy, will sign an order to scrap the requirement of wearing outdoor masks throughout the country from February 11.
Along with the outdoor face masks, the government has also planned to uplift the restrictions on nightclubs and dance venues by this coming Friday.
According to, since the COVID-19, Italy has registered a total of 11,663,338 COVID-19 cases, out of which 9,523,540 were recovered and 149,097 succumbed to it.
The country still has 1,990,701 active COVID-19 cases, while 1,423 are in serious condition as of today. Yesterday, Italy reported around 41,247 new daily cases of coronavirus.
Moreover, about 78.4% of Italy’s population are fully vaccinated, accounting for 4.67Cr individuals, and more than 35 million individuals have received their third dose.
According to the reports, around 13.1 Cr doses of vaccine have been received by the people in Italy.
Costa highlighted removing the outdoor mask mandate is a sign of hope for all the citizens. Furthermore, he stated we must give a positive sign, for two years, the people of Italy have respected all the protocols and have joined the vaccination campaign.
In the past week, the government has also eased some protocols for the schools and individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Italy’s healthcare system is one the best healthcare system in the world. It is currently ranked at #29 in the 2020 World Index of Healthcare Innovation.
Recently, Spain’s cabinet has also lifted the outdoor face mask mandate, and many other European countries are easing the COVID-19 related protocols.