The 21st of March of every year is celebrated as the International Day of Forests. In Kutaisi, Georgia the day was celebrated with the plantation drives.
21st March is also marked as the world day of down syndrome as well. To mark this day in Kutaisi a planting campaign was held on the territory of the state forest. On this occasion the students learned about the importance of forest its protection and restoration.
The UN (United Nation) General Assembly recognized March 21 as the International Forest Day in 1971. The purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness in society about the importance of forest.
Moreover, the students symbolically planted 21 seedlings of pine and deciduous species. The children with Down syndrome who are the beneficiaries of Kutaisi Day Centre – “Magic World” joined the planting campaign.
It is to be added further that on the occasion of the International Forest Day the National Forest Agency of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture in Kutaisi held a meeting with the pupils of the third public school named after Nino.
The Deputy Head of National Forest Agency Natia Jordanishvili stated that ” the Community involvement and transparency of the process are one of the prerequisites for sustainable forest management where the interest and activity of young people is particularly important. I would like to point out here that promoting vocational education and attracting young people in the field is a top priority of National Forestry Agency. We hope that there will be more and more interest both in this profession and in the care and preservation of forest ecosystem”.
The importance of the forest conservation also gained the significance after the problem of global warming and climate change began creating huge problems for the environmentalist across the globe.
The role of children is very important because this is only the children who will take care of the environment when they become the adult in future. They will also realise the importance of the forest protection for the sustainable development in future.