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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Georgia: Tbilisi court found ten people guilty of Theft crime

A court in Tbilisi has found ten people guilty of being members of the “Thieves World” and supporting anti-social activities and have been sentenced to prison.

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A court in Tbilisi has found ten people guilty of being members of the “Thieves World” and supporting anti-social activities. Tbilisi Court has fully accepted the evidence presented by the prosecution court in this regard.



The investigation was completed by the enforcement agencies which led to the decision of the Tbilisi city court. The examination of the evidence during the trial proved that the members of the “Kurduli world” together with the supporters of the activities of the “Kurduli world” in Kutaisi systematically organized the so-called “Thief courts.

Shockingly they also discuss the disputes between citizens and their actions were evaluated and decisions were made including individuals were charged to pay money.

After the conclusion of the initial investigation the Prosecutor’s Office charged three persons with the first part of Article 223 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (membership of the “thieves’ world”) and seven persons with the second part of Article 223 (supporting the activities of the “thieves’ world”).

According to the court’s decision the one person accused of being a member of the “thieves’ world” has been sentenced to 9 years in prison., On the other hand two persons were sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Similalry two persons accused of supporting the activities of the “thieves’ world” were sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment whereas another two persons sent to 3 years and 6 months impriosnment . At the same time three other have been sentenced for three years as well.

It is to be added that the Prosecutor’s Office pursues a strict criminal law policy against the perpetrators of crimes of the mentioned category which will continue in the future.


The office also warned the anti-social elements for illegal activities or they have to face strict legal action as well. Notably the prosecutor’s office of Georgia has launched many drives against the anti-social elements. Moreover the office also holds seminars and workshops to raise awareness among the citizens.

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