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Friday, July 5, 2024

Otar Shamugia presents Report 2023 in Parliament

The Minister of Environment and Agriculture, Otar Shamugia, in the format of presenting the 2023 report in Parliament, spoke about preventing the severe consequences of global climate change.

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Georgia: The Minister of Environment and Agriculture, Otar Shamugia, in the format of presenting the 2023 report in Parliament, spoke about preventing the severe consequences of global climate change.

“In the wake of climate change, special importance is given to natural hazards assessment, weather forecasting, and expected natural processes.” In this direction, significant steps have been taken by the state in recent years, as stated in the European Commission’s expansion report published last year, which emphasizes that Georgia has taken significant steps at the central and local levels to develop civil safety and disaster risk management systems. Modern 2 units of meteorological radar function in western and eastern Georgia.”


“With 240 meteorological observation stations located across the country, their number will increase to 300 by the end of the year, and 40 more stations will be added by 2025, which will significantly improve the weather forecasting system,” said Otar Shamugia.

As the Minister noted, 18 active districts are being monitored today, and this number will reach 30 by the end of 2024.

With the involvement of Swiss, highly qualified experts, the assessment of existing threats has begun in all glacier valleys of Georgia. Based on the studies conducted, relevant recommendations and solutions will be prepared.

The preparation of maps of different types of natural hazards for the whole territory of Georgia is also nearing completion.

The implementation of Information Telecommunication Systems (ICT) is planned.

As a result, it will be possible to spread weather forecasts and warnings about expected natural events with modern technologies.


“Geologists of the National Environment Agency are actively working throughout the country to assess geological threats and prevent natural events; in the last five years, the geologists of the Agency have assessed 8608 families, and 2711 families have been relocated to geologically stable locations”, – said the Minister Otar Shamugia.

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