The representatives of office of public defender have shared information about the health condtions of journalist Mzia Amaglobeli. She is under custody under criminal charges.
They added the public defender’s office is actively monitoring the issue of protecting Mzia Amaglobeli’s rights and the effectiveness of the medical care provided to her.
Since the day of his arrest, the public Mzia Amaglobeli’s and his representatives, including a doctor employed by the Public Defender’s Office, a doctor of medicine, have visited the journalist seven times.
Moreover the doctor from the public defender’s office visited the penitentiary institution on January 27, during which he interacted with Mzia Amaglobeli medical staff of the institution and reviewed his medical documentation. At that time, Mzia Amaglobeli’s health condition was satisfactory.
The officials added that public Defender’s Office have never had and do not have the authority to conduct medical examinations in penitentiaries themselves. However defender office is aware that additional tests were conducted on Mzia Amaglobeli this week, the results of which have already been requested by the Office.
Her medical record will be reviewed and evaluated again by a doctor employed by the Office and will also make another visit in the near future if need arises. The medical record that the public defender’s office currently has have already been provided to the lawyer defending Mzia Amaglobeli’s legitimate interests (Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association).
In addition, Mzia Amaglobeli’s side receives detailed information about Mzia Amaglobeli’s condition and measures taken by the public defender’s Office on a permanent basis, either remotely or during personal meetings.
The public defender’s office is also aware that the lawyer requested Mzia Amaglobeli’s medical documentation from the special penitentiary service, which has not yet been provided.
The office in order to expedite this process, immediately addressed the Penitentiary Service in writing. The Office will ensure that the office bears of the public defender and the public defender’s office will continue to actively monitor Mzia Amaglobeli’s rights.
They assured public that every kind of medical assistance will be provided to make her life safe and protect her rights.