Kyiv: It has been six months already since Russia invaded Ukraine. The officials in Ukraine are now formulating plans to make sure that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his top military commanders stand trial for its invasion of Ukraine.
The deputy head of Ukraine’s presidential information, Andrii Smirnov, has been planning a special tribunal to investigate Russia’s alleged ‘ crime of aggression’. The definition of the crime of aggression was adopted in the 2010 Rome Statue. Also, the ideas of ‘crime against peace’ had been used in the trials of Nuremberg and Tokyo, post second world war.
The International Court has already been trying the accused of Ukrainian atrocities and genocides being undertaken by Russian troops. However, the accusations of the crime of aggression cannot be looked into as neither Russia nor Ukraine has ratified the Rome statute.
Smirnov stated the significance of the International court on this matter. He said, “This court is “the only way to make sure that the criminals who started the Ukraine war are held accountable quickly”. The tribunal will make sure that the ones accountable for the war be tagged as criminals and their mobility stays seized in the civilized world.
So far, the Ukrainian prosecutors have already marked at least 600 suspects in aggression. The suspects include senior military officials, politicians and commentators. Moreover, the international treaty to set up the proposed tribunal and ready to be signed by the governments.
As Smirnov stated, various countries have exhibited their willingness to sign the treaty before the end of the year. Moreover, various partners from Europe are willing to host the tribunal as well.
Ukraine had been invaded on February 24, and it has been six months already, but the war seems nowhere near end.