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Monday, June 17, 2024

UK: Indian High Commission gives it back to Khalistanis, hoists giant tricolour atop building

United Kingdom: Following the disgraceful act of vandalism by the pro-Khalistani protesters, the Indian High Commission in the United Kingdom hoisted a giant tricolour at the top of the building. The incident dates back to March 19, 2023, when a mob of radicals barged into the High Commission premises and mounted the Khalistani flag in place of the Indian tricolour.

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United Kingdom: Following the disgraceful act of vandalism by the pro-Khalistani protesters, the Indian High Commission in the United Kingdom hoisted a giant tricolour at the top of the building. The incident dates back to March 19, 2023, when a mob of radicals barged into the High Commission premises and mounted the Khalistani flag in place of the Indian tricolour.

India, in response to the incident, launched a strong protest against the pro-Khalistani elements, demanding these elements to be arrested and properly dealt with.


Earlier on Wednesday, March 22, the barricading outside the British High Commission in New Delhi was removed. In addition to this, the seniormost diplomat of the United Kingdom was summoned following the vandalism incident and was questioned about the absence of security at the Indian High Commission in the UK. The diplomat was also reminded of the basic obligations of the UK government under the Vienna Convention.

India finds its totally unacceptable the indifference of the UK Government to the security of Indian diplomatic premises and personnel in the UK,” stated the Indian Ministry of External Affairs in its release.

 The British High Commissioner, Alex Ellis, also denounced the vandalism incident, calling the disgraceful acts of the Khalistani protesters to be unacceptable. 

Meanwhile, the Khalistani radicals once again staged protests outside the Indian High Commission in London. The protesters chanted the Khalistan Zindabad slogans as the Metropolitan Police looked after the security of the premises and restricted the protesters by barricading around the Commission.

According to the reports, several uniformed officers patrolled the area in Aldwych and Metropolitan vans were also stationed at the Indian office.


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