Revaz Javelidze, who is the Head of the Georgian Government Administration, on Saturday, 11th of November 2023, attended the high-level conference of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ). The meeting was held on the theme of the European Principles for Public Administration, and it was held in Paris.
It is to be specifically mentioned that At the conference, revised principles of public administration were officially presented by the joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union – Support for Improvement in Governance and Management.
These principles are set to help the OECD candidate countries and potential candidates to establish better public administration polices , the Government Administration said.
Javelidze, while speaking at the meeting, discussed the implemented and ongoing reforms for public administration in his country that are Georgia, as well as future plans of the government of Georgia in this regard.
He also said that the initiative of the Georgian government in this regard emphasised the “high political importance” of the reforms for the country’s effort towards European integration at the event. He said that the OECD saw the representatives of the participant countries who reviewed the existing achievements and challenges of their respective countries.
The OECD conference was also attended by high-ranking representatives of the OECD member countries, Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries, as well as the members of the European Commission and other international organisations. including The OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann and Oliver Varhelyi, of the European Union Commission.
Notably, The Georgian Government in February approved the 2023-2026 adopted the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform of Georgia, along with its accompanying Action Plan for 2023-2024.
The public administration reform has been executed in Georgia since 2015 in a bid to improve public administration in the country in accordance with EU standards, aiming to build a transparent, accountable and efficient state management system in Georgia.