A council meeting to discuss the issues of disabled persons was held recently in the Kvareli municipality. Many people, along with government representatives, attend the meeting and share their views on the topic.
It should be mentioned explicitly that the Kvareli municipality administration has been implementing a dedicated project. The project’s name is “Strong Civil Society for the Improvement of Municipal Services.” It has been implemented since 2023 to promote the social, economic, and educational development of disabled people.
The project also aims to support the initiative to ” Support persons with disabilities in the municipality, identifying existing needs, monitoring law implementation, and advocating.”
It should also be noted that after many years of struggle the council was established in the municipality. The council includes people with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities and active civil society members together with relevant employees of the municipality’s hall and the city council.
During this meeting, the members of the Council received training which was aimed at providing a detailed introduction to the Council’s structure and rights as well as the disability models and the Council’s role in relation to them. Participants once again learned about the convention and its principles. One of the issues was identifying, preventing, and eliminating barriers to access in municipal programs for disabled people.
The program is being supported under the project “Advocacy for Law Enforcement of Persons with Disabilities,” implemented by the Coalition for Independent People in cooperation with the European Foundation and Hudson Valley Center for Independent Living.
The Kvareli Municipality has streamlined the efforts to make the lives of disabled persons easy. Efforts are also being made to provide municipal services at the doorstep. The officials of the municipality gave a presentation to the participants to apprise them of the various efforts being taken by the local administration of the Kvareli Municipality.