The book “Selected Writings” of the former renowned jurist of Georgia, Minda Ugrekhelidze was launched recently. A launching ceremony was held in the exhibition pavilion of the National Archives on this occasion with the support of the Ministry of Justice and Caucasus International University.
It is to be specifically mentioned that Georgian jurist Mindia Ugrekhelidze is one of the founders of the Georgian Scientific School of Criminal Law. He also hold various important national and international positions. He was the chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia and served as a judge of the European Court of Human Rights. At the same time he is a member of the “World Association of Lawyers” and the “International Association of Criminal Law” and the author of about 70 works.
Notblay the main aim ot the Georgian Ministry of Justice is the development of legal approaches based on science and research work . According to the representative of the justice ministry the publication of the scientific work of the representatives of the Georgian Scientific School of Criminal Law will help future generations of lawyers to familiarize themselves with professional legal literature.
Although most of the works in Mindia Ugrekhelidze’s book were published abroad, but they touch the every aspect of the Georgian judicial system as well. The ideas presented in “Selected Writings” go beyond the scope of purely legal analysis of criminal law issues; the problems are studied and discussed in the broad framework of law dogmatics, politics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and ethics.
The event was also attended by the Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze, members of the Cabinet and Parliament, and representatives of the cultural, scientific, and academic fields. The book was published with the financial support of Caucasus International University.
A significant number of people from legal backgrounds attended the event. They also shared their views on the book’s content and appreciated Mindia Ugrekhelidze’s noble work.
On the other hand, Mindia Ugrekhelidze also addressed the attendees. He said that he did his best to figure out the challenges facing by the country’s judicial system and the measures that can be implemented to solve them. He thanked the Caucasus University administration for the financial support for the successful release of the book.