Tbilisi: The Georgian Agriculture Ministry discussed the promotion of the realization of Georgian wheat on the local market in a recent meeting held at the Ministry.
At the meeting, the Minister of Environment and Agriculture, Otar Shamugia, spoke about the decision developed in order to increase the competitiveness of Georgian wheat and, accordingly, promote realization in the local market, according to which the Georgian government plans to impose a temporary import fee on imported flour, which will enter into force from June 10.
The Minister stressed the importance of increasing wheat self-sufficiency in the country and noted that in the last two years, local wheat production has increased by 60%, and it is expected that the current dynamic will be maintained in the future.
“Over the past two weeks, we have had intensive meetings with all representatives involved in the field and agreed on conditions that, on the one hand, ensure that the price of bread is maintained in the country, on the other hand, the cultivators can work in competitive conditions and, most importantly, farmers can mix their crops smoothly.”
Accordingly, next week, the Georgian government will submit a draft regulation, according to which an additional fee will be imposed on flour imports for five months. We will continue to monitor the situation in the market and take steps accordingly. I reiterate that our main task is to maintain the price of bread and at the same time implement the new crop smoothly,” Otar Shamugia said.
The representatives of the business sector emphasized that the decision was taken in a trusted position and would regulate the current situation without increasing the price of bread.
According to Malkhaz Dolidze, Chairman of the Union of Bread Growers, following a confident decision, the price of bread will not increase.
As Nikoloz Beniaidze, the chairman of the Grain Producers Association, noted, the decision made will promote the purchase of local wheat, and farmers will be able to realize both old and new crops.
According to Vladimir Bidzinashvili, representative of the Wheat Producers Association, some of the millets are still working today, and as a result of the government’s decision, the suspended plants will also be activated, which ensures the unmanageable settlement of local wheat.